Title I
The purpose of the Title I Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 is to provide funding to ensure that all children, regardless of their economic background, have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. This purpose can be accomplished by ensuring that high-quality academic assessments, accountability systems, teacher preparation and training, curriculum, and instructional materials are aligned with challenging State academic standards so that students, teachers, parents, and administrators can measure progress against common expectations for student academic achievement.
Who will be providing this extra support to my child?
Your child will receive additional instruction and support from highly qualified teachers who will use a variety of techniques that have been proven to help children understand and master the skills that lead to future success. We have a team of teachers who serve students through intervention groups.
How can I support my child in the Title 1 program?
There will be opportunities for parental involvement throughout the school year as well as newsletters to encourage and nurture student academic support from home. Please feel free to contact your child’s teachers should any questions or concerns arise. Studies show that student success increases when parents become readily involved in their child’s education. Attached you will find a copy of a Student-Parent-Teacher compact. Please sign, date, and return the compact to your child’s teacher after you have read and gone over the agreement with your child. There is also space for your child to sign and date before returning the form to your child’s teacher. This document serves as a reminder of the responsibilities each has in supporting the future success of the student.
Thank you in advance for your support! Viburnum Elementary School receives Title I funding to help support reading and math programs. Resources are provided on this site to guide parents and guardians through the District Title I Policies and Procedures, as well as to inform them of their rights and ways to get involved in developing an educational partnership to support their child’s educational progress.
Parent Feedback
As a part of this federal program, parents and guardians are asked to complete the Title I Parent Evaluation Survey to gather information to help each school and the district improve Title I instruction and programs. Please click on the link below to complete the survey for our Title Program at VES. We appreciate your willingness to provide us with valuable information by completing the Title Parent Evaluation Survey.
Annual Parent’s Rights Letter
ESEA Consolidated Plan
VES Title 1 School Parent and Family Engagement Policy
VES Title 1 Schoolwide Program Plan
Parent Compact
ESEA Complaints
If you have any questions, please reach out to:
Adam Portell
Michelle Merseal
Elementary Principal
573-244-5521 ext. 3